Throughout the course of my career, I've had the chance to publish and provide quotes for a variety of sites, magazines, and newspapers. I've listed the places I've worked with most extensively below, along with a link to my full author page and/or highlights.
The Notifiction: How Push Notifications from Neighbourhood Surveillance Apps Can Create an Alternative Narrative of Place (Peer-reviewed journal, Imaginations)
An article on Mashable about NFTs that I contributed quotes to
FLOW: A critical forum on media and culture (Highlights: NFTs and the False Aura, Activity Notifications During COVID-19.)
Real Change News : (Highlights: Feature on Yesler Terrace Youth Media Project, Review of Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric, Publication's first art preview on Suzanne Morlock's "3772: Yellow Brick Road")